When does a baby have first tooth out & how to clean & first visit?
How many teeth in total & how to clean & first visit?
Young children
What to do when accidents happens that involves teeth?If the tooth is simply fractured, then call us immediately for an emergency care.
If the tooth fell out, please do not rinse or scrub tooth, but clean it with saliva gently & put it in a saline solution or milk or under the tongue (only if child is older than 8 years old who wouldn’t swallow the tooth) and go to a pediatric dentist office. Call us for a referral to a pediatric dental office if you don’t know one. The steps only apply to an adult tooth which is not broken at the root level.
When to start braces?
How often do I need to come in?What do I do if my teeth are crowded, there are out of aligned teeth, or space between teeth?
I’m pregnant or planning to get pregnant, what should I be aware?
If you’re planning on pregnancy, it is highly recommended that you get a checkup before pregnancy to diagnose any current disease and get proper treatments for healthy pregnancy & delivery.
Patient with Partial Dentures
What’s proper maintenance?If it clasps become loose, please mention it to us during your regular 6 month checkup & cleaning (yes, you still need checkup & cleaning for your remaining teeth), so we can adjust.